Name: Kimiko "Miko" Shing
Age: 16 years old
5ft 5' tall
Location: too-small apartment in small coastal town of Oriental, North Carolina.
Goals/Desires: to leave her father and triplet brothers' tiny apartment.
Weakness/Insecurities: terrified of all bugs, especially bumblebees; hates home life but covers that up when outside of it.
Pet Peeves: excessive body piercings.
Fondest/Saddest Memories: leaving Japan and her mother at the age of five.
Religion/World Philosophy: believes that all are good, or at least have some good in them; also that the world is much bigger than it looks, thus pushing her to want travel and adventure.
Habits: Miko is always late for events of all sorts.
Family Life: mother forcefully left in Japan early in Miko's life, so she is at home with a harsh father and three identical 8 year old brothers.
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